Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Most Profound Quiet - PROFOUND being the operative word.

OK fine, so I didn't post the other post after I wrote it on Notepad - darn internet connection's doing what it does best AND THAT is not connecting.

Last night was kind of surprising and not to mention a BIT irritating.

HE (who must not and NEVER be named) had a tantrum. UGGHHH!!!!

AND WITH it - like always - entails a few things that are kind NOT really good for the heart.

1. Silence (the whole night I slept alone in our bed while he was snoring like dog in our couch.)

2. Ignore (oh god, you have no idea how bad IT IS to PUSH yourself - it's like selling, face to face or over the phone, bad thing is that just before you have EVEN started to dial you get a BLOCKED thing or signal. GAH!!!!!


3. A LOT of other things that would make your heart melt in fury - rage - and even carnage.


In situations such as this I would usually do one or everything of the following.

1. Kick him out.
2. BURN - and BURN his stuff.
3. Throttle his throat till he gasps for air and turns black and blue
4. After kicking him and burning his stuff I will ALSO hurl his stuff at him.
5. BE SILENT until he makes the first move.
6. SEDUCE him till his balls falls out and he'll succumb to the fact that I'm BEAUTIFUL - NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (Evil cackle...yes, I'm good at that - cackling)

BUT...then again..

There's an option 7. In rare instances...


This is kind of related with option 5. Which worked.

I DID NOTHING. Well, I just went to our room and stripped naked to the hilt and was listening to Paramore (again) on the Ipod. Me and my Ipod. Sigh.

It worked.

The I-should-not-do-anything-and-just-leave-him-alone-to-rest-sleep-and-think part.

It did. Praise the Lord Jesus Christ – Odin – Thor – Zeus – Hera – Poseidon – Hades – Rah – Isis! AMEN!

And then this morning, early - barely six or seven o'clock - he tiptoed into our room (which was pointless because I could hear a pin drop, hehehe!) But really I heard him or I think I did see and hear him, I was kind of hazy since I was barely awake, because our room - as you remember - doesn't have a door anymore. Remember our TITANOMARCHY? Yes, the battle of the immortals equals no door.

Patience isn't really my strongest attribute. It’s more of like psycho-killer-shit-stuff for me. BUT, whatever, you do crazy things for the ones you love right?

Like for example - being lied at, waking up in the morning with no load on your cellphone because he used all of it up just to text my friends (and check if I'm not screwing one or ALL of them.


Well, I'm NOT. SCREW YOU IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME! (WHOEVER is reading this) They're just friends or people I know who has the same perspective in life as I have and that is all for the glory of the greater good. AMEN.

Start a riot in me. Let's start! Start! HEY!!!!

Blahhhh..Paramore. Hehehehehe!

OK. I have to park now. I'm just hijacking someone else’s' computer - my cousin actually - just to post this darn thing.

Cheerio dahlin...cheerio!



WE DID enjoy Skins. It was FUN. I lurrvveeeddd it. You know, Britons and Britas (hahahaha!)

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