Saturday, April 23, 2011

Just like Rose Tyler...

Today is Saturday. Black Saturday at that.  It's been a long time that I did THIS - be alone in a completely empty house (empty like always); and thinking and trying to write what I'm thinking.

On the TV right now, (one I don't have, thank you) for sure there are reruns of movies which interpret on how Christ once roamed this earth and preached and eventually, he died; crucified for all of man's sins. Commemorating of sorts.

I, however, am doing something else - savoring episodes of Doctor Who. I just finished Season Two (Series Two) and after watching 26 episodes (13 in every season) I can say that's it wonderful! FANTASTIC!

A friend of mine, - rockstar-comic-book-artist of The Paranormals Comic, baptized me (by fire) to watch this. And so, I did. Little by little, episode by episode; my interest and love for Doctor Who developed.

And now, look. Here I am - thinking; writing on what I THINK about the last two episodes of Doctor Who Season Two.

Yes, the movie uses a lot of CGI's - special effects and the sound effects (the sound of the TARDIS for example) but that is a dead give-away. How I see it, is different all together. Some would most likely IMAGINE himself as the Doctor; but NOT me.

I can relate with the Doctor's companion - who is usually a girl (but still, cut me some slack; I'm writing here). 

In this instance - Rose Tyler. (Billie Piper) The Doctor's companion. (Season 1 and 2; Christopher Eccleson and David Tennant respectively)

Along with the Doctor, Rose traveled EVERYWHERE - past and future - time and space - alternate universes - seen black holes - suns - different beings. EVERYWHERE.

Met a LOT of people and even those which are NOT people. Dalek's (EXTERMINATE) Cyber-Men  (DELETE) and yes, ghost; and even those who fart - Raxacoricofallapatorius. (DIG THAT!!)

But at the end of the day; she's just one normal human being with a not-very-normal-man named The Doctor. A Time Lord.

The Season Finale for Season Two DID bring tears to my eyes; as what rockstar-comic-book-artist "prophesized".

The world was in crisis and Rose sacrificed herself for the DALEK(EXTERMINATE) to be stopped. She was about to get sucked in by a huge gaping hole (which I have YET to study and determine what it's really called) - but she got saved by her father who is in alternate universe.

The way I see it - being STUCK in an alternate universe is WORSE than death itself.

Rose was working in a shop before and then came the Doctor and then she travelled everywhere and in the end she got stuck in an alternate universe WORKING in THE SAME OLD SHOP AGAIN! And worse - a shop in an alternate universe.

It's unfair. Yes. It is. And weaving it with REAL LIFE - my life. I think I'm stuck too.

In all honesty, I have BEEN HELL BENT with the idea of GOING AWAY. Finding websites / asking people / researching / studying. 

Figuring out a way to GET OUT of here. MY alternate universe.

I am stuck.

Doing THIS. I write - I play vampire Wars - I say hello to people everyday - I go On Air, depending on my mood - I virtually LIVE in The Web. I talk to people who I know online MORE than people who I know in real life.

Yes, a LOT of people, friends have been more than supportive - encouragements were given and whatnot; but it's NOt easy. 
Especially IN THIS country - especially where I am.

I want out.

I want out.

I want out.


Just like Rose Tyler.


Did you insert MY selfishness and MY WHINING in every paragraph you've just read?


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Rock, Paper, Scissors and a Comic book...

Yeah, sure. I have NOT written in here for quite some time now.

WHAT is there to write? More complaints? Whining? Emo-garbage-trash? I have so MANY - especially now - I will probably compile all of them and make a special CANTO for each.

For the life of me - I have NO idea what to answer to a question which is commonly asked - but NOT to me.


I can't be mean and retort I'm great! - How are you?

Maybe it's the Holy Week? OR mmmmaaaayyybeeeee I need ALONE TIME (no pun intended, thank you)

Today, (HOLY) Wednesday - a package came; one I've been ITCHING to receive and in it was THIS (one I'm holding):

The Paranormals Comic.

Written by Mr. Diallo Jackson and (given to me - with signature AND a doodle - as a VERY early 30 year old birthday present by) rockstar-comic-book-artist Russell Fox

I haven't read it YET - but I'm sure I'll have fun this Holy Week. (Told you, ALONE TIME.) 

More info on The Paranomals Comic fan page on Facebook and at ActionStudioWorks.

And yes, I'm the FIRST in the country to have this. A formal review of sorts will be made and submitted to EzineaArticles - meaning my MORTAL self will have to do it.

So, there. That's today.

Rock + Paper + Scissors AND a Comic book.
