Is that you don't know where you're going or heck, you don't know the result.
I chose a lot of things - LIKE not following the required stuff my course needed me too, coming home from the big city and leaving everything behind (the job and all), I also chose to just STAY home and live - and/or die living.
BUT then again, I do not know what will happen in the end because I'm:
A. Going out on a limb
B. Walking in the dark, with no light and/or echo or sonar to guide me.
I chose this: Being here and NOT going out there into the (more) wild world - a jungle...I'm staying here at home, which is (like it or not) a circus!
Along with the choice of staying home. STAYING PUT! Comes the financial part. There are just days when I'd go DESTITUTE - seriously. And there are also days when I'd be a one day millionaire (like yesterday AND today at work - I closed a darn good deal with advertisers)
As you already know, my computer - regardless of the very magnanimous loan of my Maker - is STILL UNDEAD and unusable. I talked to my sister about it - who made a choice of NOT staying at home and work out there in the (very) wild world.
She has checked the price of the THING that's missing in the computer, which will keep it running.
BUT she was flabbergasted by the price - 3K+.
She sent me a torrent of text messages telling me how hard it is..OK OK FINE!
Tell me something I have heard before, I thought.
AND THEN, my mind blew out into proportion and WILL NOT TAKE THAT KIND OF YACKING from someone younger than me and of course my little sister.
I TOLD HER, NOT to a bitch about it because WHATEVER happens I WILL ALWAYS be OLDER than she is and I also told her THAT I've BEEN THERE and DONE THAT and grabbed the shirt already from the JOB that you're in now, AND MUCH MUCH - MUCH - more!
I told her, as closing, NOT to be a a bitch about her job, because I can do it MUCH better than she can. I just chose not to...
And so there, that ended my day.