And now, it has come to pass that I DON'T have a choice ANYMORE. For someone who believes that life is a test of multiple choice - I am LEFT with none.
Nada. Zilch. ZERO! Kapooot!
Let's start.
Today at work was KIND OF PAY DAY. BUT, no one got what they wanted - the BIG RAISE because of someone who got fired long time ago BUT still isn't (for a lack of a better term) moving out and so this person isn't OUT of the payroll too.
WHICH SUCKS. I call for INJUSTICE! But who would listen?
That's number 1.
My mom. Last night she came home from the Queen City of the South to have her belly x-rayed and everything seemed OK for a bit AND THEN BOOM, this morning was a bitch.
She complained about her belly and how it hurts.
AND THEN when evening came (I was still at the workplace DYING) she just left with my aunt - and neighbor - and she just sent an SMS that she's going to have herself cut/sliced or diced or whatever just to get rid of the kidney stones that has been growing- spawning - multiplying - in her belly ever since.
It's a family curse OR probably a heritage (bullshit). Other people get cars, house and lot and money BUT we get appendicites (on the father side) dashed with high blood pressure and diabetes and (on the mother side - mainly on women) kidney stones AND heart attacks.
Talk about Charybdis and Scylla.
AND number 3 (to top it all off) my baby is REALLY DEAD! I have asked my maker to loan me her dead computer - during her birthday - and promised her 20 years to pay. She said yes.
I just needed the powersupply and then the technician of this café has already INSTALLED everything needed and BOOM...MY motherboard processor is DEAD.
Which - according to Google - is a (head bashing and heart breaking) 5 thousand plus all in all.
THAT shattered my day completely..and it's NOT even HOLY WEEK yet!
Sooooo..I am STUCK in oblivion. In this abyss that probably some crazy god or spirit has tossed me into.
I dunno. NO SIGN of help yet. I was taught NOT to give up in times of troubles. I was MOLDED for fun and joy and laughter and sometimes inflict pain and misery and sometimes DEATH.
BUT right now, I dunno. I AM STUCK! STUCK! STUCK! STUCK!
Right now, I WISH..(aside from casting GLOBAL SILENCE) I could multiple myself 10 or 20 or 30 or EVEN a 100 folds!
BUT then again...I dunno..
This sucks...big time...
"Hello Darkness, my old friend..I've come to..."